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Cat World Domination Day

August 15, 2019

There’s a pretty cute kitty holiday coming up: August 22nd is Cat World Domination Day! Does Fluffy have plans for taking over the world? What would happen if she did? A local Seminole, FL vet wonders what these cuddly little furballs are up to in this article.

Historical Precedents

When trying to make predictions about the future, we have to look at the past. In this case, we really need to look no further than Egypt, where cats somehow convinced people to revere them as sacred. Kitties that were lucky enough to live in ancient Siam were also pampered and treated like royalty. No wonder Fluffy looks so smug!

Meowpulation Tactics

Kitties are pretty good at getting us to feed them, pet them, and play with them. They also have us trained to let them sleep wherever they want, including on top of us. As it turns out, Fluffy may have been manipulating us for centuries. It’s no coincidence that your furball’s adorable meow sounds quite a bit like a baby crying. Cats figured out long ago that those plaintive mews really tug at our heartstrings, and is therefore a very effective way to get us to feed them and offer them catnip.


There are a few signs that kitties actually are actively plotting a takeover. Take the internet, for one. The worldwide web is comprised of about 79 percent cat-related content, such as memes and videos, with the rest left over for everything else. Fluffy also has a suspicious habit of walking on our keyboards and sprawling out on our books and magazines. Could this be your feline friend’s way of trying to control what you do?

Fluffy’s Plans

If cats could take over the world, what would they do with it? We suspect our feline overlords would demand that catnip gardens be planted in every park and yard. We’d likely also see a lot of stocked fishponds popping up everywhere. Inside your home, you may be required to have cat towers and cardboard boxes in every room, and you’d be forbidden from getting up when your furball is snoozing on your lap. Daily kitty play sessions would also be required by law. Actually, this all sounds pretty good to us!

Please reach out to us, your Seminole, FL vet clinic, for all your feline pal’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

Posted in Cat Care, General