Happy holidays! The yearly flurry of seasonal events and activities is now in full swing. Dogs and cats are often featured prominently on charming holiday cards and advertisements. We can’t forget our feathered friends, though! Birds also make their appearances on many holiday decorations. If you happen to have feathered companions, it’s important to give them some extra TLC during this busy time. Just like other animals, birds can face certain hazards over the holidays. … Read More
July is just hopping along. It’s Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month. Plus, Rabbit Week starts on the 26th. Just like other pets, rabbits need suitable food, fresh water, and regular veterinary care. However, they also have some fairly specific needs, which are quite different from those of dogs and cats. It’s important to do some research before adopting Floppy, so you can understand her care needs and avoid harmful mistakes. A local Seminole, FL vet … Read More