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Cat World Domination Day

Cat World Domination Day

June 15, 2020

There’s a pretty austere occasion coming up. June 24th is Cat World Domination Day! Is Fluffy plotting to take over the world? What would happen if she did? A Seminole, FL veterinarian offers some ‘petucated’ guesses below. The Proof There actually is some evidence that Fluffy has been meowpulating us all along. Exhibit A, of course, would be the Sphynx. Kitties somehow managed to convince the ancient Egyptians to treat them as sacred deities! They … Read More »

Posted in Behavior, Cat Care

Things That Annoy Cats

May 15, 2020

Cats are small in size, but they certainly have big personalities. They’re not only cute, cuddly, and amusing, they’re also a bit opinionated. In fact, kitties have some very strong sentiments about certain things. Read on as a local Seminole, FL vet lists a few of Fluffy’s pet peeves. Loud Noises Does your furry buddy make a beeline for her favorite hiding spot every time she hears the clatter of a kitchen pan? Kitties prefer … Read More »

Posted in Behavior, Cat Care

Cat World Domination Day

August 15, 2019

There’s a pretty cute kitty holiday coming up: August 22nd is Cat World Domination Day! Does Fluffy have plans for taking over the world? What would happen if she did? A local Seminole, FL vet wonders what these cuddly little furballs are up to in this article. Historical Precedents When trying to make predictions about the future, we have to look at the past. In this case, we really need to look no further than … Read More »

Posted in Cat Care, General